Houston Square & Round Dance Council


EMail: HSRDC2021@gmail.com
Phone: 346-291-0862

The Houston Square and Round Dance Council, Inc. [HSRDC] serves as an umbrella organization for the Square, Round, and Clogging Dance clubs in the Greater Houston, Texas area. HSRDC's purpose is to promote, educate and encourage the art of American folk dancing within its membership and the public.


What a wonderful world of square dancers we have. I have seen many new dancers venturing out and supporting other clubs enjoying dancing with them as well as supporting their own clubs. Experienced dancers are also venturing out to support other clubs. So far this year, I have been to 42 Square Dances, 10 of them included some round dancing, and 4 contra dances and 1 old time barn dance.

Bluebonnets has graduated 21 dancers, and Katy is getting ready to graduate 18 dancers March 1. Several other clubs have lessons underway. Katy is starting a new set of lessons March 9 and Bluebonnets is offering Plus lessons March 4.

Houston square dancing has led to several weddings. This year John Murphy and Donna had a square and round dance after saying their vows in Katy. Family was invited to participate in some introductory tips. John Basset and Melinda had a celebration of their wedding where Tomball dances in addition to squares and intro squares there were several line dances, other fun dances, and even a conga line. There was a big crowd and lots of great snacks and well wishes at both dances. Dan O'Connell and Janice announced their engagement at the BBBB Western Dance.

Hangers Squares had a wonderful dinner for their 50th Anniversary. I was at their 20th, 40th and 50th Anniversaries and look forward to their 60th. Hey Lollies hosts a halfway dance and several clubs brought their students to the dance. It was fun to meet so many new people. TASSDA (Texas Singles) has a 50th Anniversary March 9th in Waco.

Thank you, Thank You, Thank You, to everyone coming out to support your council's quarterly meeting. The Presidents dance brought many creative people out and eight tables were decorated to honor their club presidents. The clubs voted on best table but could not vote on their own club. Fairbees won first place by a landslide. We had six squares dancing and 16 couples round dancing. There were 4 kinds of Chili and many wonderful side dishes. The next quarterly meeting will be Sunday May 19 at Concordia. The 3 PM meeting will be followed by Rounds and Squares. It will be our Teen Scholarship Dance and Trade buy. (Used Square dance clothing sale). I hear at least 20 teens will be graduating this year, so there will be several scholarships to celebrate at the State Convention Jun 13-16.

Sue and June and a plethora of volunteers have been dancing at exhibitions around town. Some of these have brought dancers to the classes at Brazos, Katy and Fairbees. I understand Hey Lollies have also done some exhibitions with audience participation that brought dancers to their lessons. Keep up the good work, and let us know your ideas to grow square dance at the next quarterly meeting. It takes dancers to grow square dance. We also have our Spring Swing Coming up April 27 at Concordia and our Houston Hoedown weekend is coming up Oct 18-19 in Conroe. So Save the Dates and join the fun.

I love that the more clubs are opening with a prayer and the pledge and closing with a big circle Thank You. Then there are several after parties at local restaurants (Denny's, Willies, Fajita Flats, Freddies, Rancho Grande) after the dances to sit and socialize. Some get coffee, some get dinner, some get dessert. It is nice to get to know the dancers.

Hope to see you in a Square, Michele Russell

Come Dance With Us!
New Dancers are welcome to come and watch!

This Website serves to share timely information with our dancers and the public. It is the official Website of the HSRDC and exists for the benefit of all dancers of the Greater Houston area. It also serves as the official business site of the HSRDC.

Visit our Facebook page

Last Updated: July 2, 2024


July Where N When
Updated July 2

Welcome to the 76th year of The Houston Square and Round Dance Council

The 2024 Theme is Spirit of "76"

It is a brave new world, we are going to change the ways we do some things, while holding on to some of the traditions we love.

Since most nights have multiple clubs dancing, we propose to have our Quarterly meetings on Sunday afternoons followed by a dance.

HSRDC Elected and Appointed Officers can visit clubs for Anniversaries, Graduations and regular dances. We encourage all dancers to visit other clubs.

Proposed HSRDC meeting and dance schedules.

Locations to be announced on Squarethru.com. in the newsletter and in the email broadcasts.

January 19-20, 2024 Texas State Federation of Square & Round Dancers® Nominating Meeting Coushatte Recreation Ranch, 4029 Clay Ranch Lane, Bellville, TX 77418 (see http://squaredancetx.com/nom_mtg.html)

February 18, 2024 HSRDC 1st Quarter meeting and Presidents Dance, to honor our club presidents.

May 19, 2024 HSRDC 2nd Quarter meeting and Trade Buy and Teen Scholarship Dance

June 13-16, 2024 Texas State Federation Square and Round Dance Festival “To Boldly Dance . . . Into the Future. A statewide dance.

June 26-29 73rd National Square Dance Convention®, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

August 18, 2024 HSRDC 3rd Quarter meeting and New Caller Dance

Date TBT City Wide Square Dance Introduction.

Date TBT New Dancer Jamboree for all clubs to attend and bring new graduates.

October 18-19, 2024 Houston Hoedown, A dance weekend for all clubs.

December 1, 2024 HSRDC 4th Quarter meeting and dance.

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